
Metadezim, unsere Gemeinschaft

Eine demokratische Gemeinschaft, die das Decidim-Projekt in all seinen Dimensionen unterhält

Metadecidim ist eine Gemeinschaft, die an der Gestaltung der Plattform und dem Bau des Projekts mitarbeitet. Gemeinsam können wir neue Funktionen entwerfen und entwickeln und Fehler zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung der Plattform melden.
Propose and help define new features
Report bugs and help the developers fix them
Help shape the future of the platform
The Decidim Community during the Decidim Fest 2021
Häufig gestellte Fragen
How can I become a member of the Decidim Association?

Now the people involved in the project can be partners. Here we explain in detail how you have to do it

Is there any tutorial to start setting it up?

You can check the latest version of our admin manual in the Documentation section.

What is Decidim?

Decidim is a Free Open-Source participatory democracy platform for cities and organizations. But Decidim is more than a digital platform: it’s a common's free and open project and infrastructure involving code, documentation, design, training courses, a legal framework, collaborative interfaces, user and facilitation communities, and a common vision.

Do you have a Demo? I want to use Decidim now, without installing it, to see how it works.

Yes, we have an online demo.

Try Online — Spielen Sie mit unserer Online-Demo herum und erkunden Sie die Decidim Plattform. Online-Demo